Monday, July 30, 2012

Me Either Monday

Have you ever stood in line for a roller coaster for three hours, then didn't even enjoy the ride? ...

When reading a test out loud, have you ever mispronounced a simple word more than once and feel like a complete idiot - even if it was just with your family? (the word was deadlines, read as "deadliness") haha ...

Did you ever think driving over a curb with your mini-van was a good idea because you saw your husband do it in his truck a few days prior? [insert loud scraping sound here] ...

Or have you ever had your kid pee on a 7th grade church volunteer while sitting and crying in her lap? ...

...Yea..... me either ;)

Anything you "haven't" had happen to you lately? ;) 
Happy Monday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Let's Catch Up...

Phew! It's been a while... my husband was on a long business trip that left me little time to think or sleep, let alone blog! Since it's been over a week, I thought I would do a "week at a glance" to get you all caught up...

Me Either... Monday

Have you ever had your dad wear your flip flops outside, only to get dog poop all over the bottoms of them and when asked to clean them off, he used the DISH SCRUBBER to clean the poop off of them?!

Have you ever been tempted to run your car off the road when you have screaming & crying children in the back (and possibly a crying adult behind the wheel)?

Have you ever watched your brother drink five gigantic margaritas in less than an hour because "he never gets sick" then woke up to him barfing all over the bathroom at 1:30am??

And have you ever gone into a store (NOT Pier One) to pay $50 for a throw blanket, then find an eerily similar one (NOT at Target) for $20?  

Yea.... me either ;)

BTW... I totally returned that expensive throw for the not-so-expensive-but-feels-just-as-nice version ;)

Toddler Tip Tuesday:

I wish I had a tip for you. I have been depressingly unsuccessful with my two year old :( I am going to try something new, and I'll let you know if that works! Right now, I am trying to get him to stop throwing things, hitting, pushing, and conking his sister on the head as well as taking swings at me, throwing fits non-stop, and - I suppose - just being two! At least he's potty trained, right? ;) 

Words of Wisdom Wednesday:

Lately, especially the week Thad was out of town, I have felt like there is this monster living inside me. I am easily frustrated, annoyed, and very short tempered.  I think that all the life-changing events that happened in the last year (quitting my job, moving to another state, major auto accident, having a baby, losing my mom...) has finally caught up to me - along with the everyday stupid things like my phone not working, kids not sleeping, husband traveling, getting sick,etc.  I told my friends that I feel like Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty when he looks up to the sky and yells to God, "Smite me, Almighty Smiter!!" 

Well, I get the Proverb 31 daily devotions sent to me and one that seemed to hit home was "Unglued Mama."  It focused on Ephesians 4:22-24 and the part of the verses that stuck out to me was "to be made new in the attitude of your minds."  Hmm. Soooooo much easier said than done, I know.  I am going to read the book Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions.  You can take a look here if you are interested yourself! I just feel like I need that extra something to "put on my new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness" instead of having knots in my stomach all the time.  I'm pretty sure my current state of dark thoughts and terrible attitude isn't what God had planned for my mind.  I'll let you know if the book is worth reading!

Just a Thought Thursday:

You might not want to force infant ibuprofen down your reluctant baby's throat...she might just vomit her dinner all over you, herself, and that freshly cleaned carpet. 
(Sorry, Gigi!!!)

Just a thought...

Nothin' Fancy Friday: Meal Swap

We often bring meals to friends who are sick, are going through a hardship, or have just had a baby.  Why not do it just because?? A fun idea for you and some friends... a meal swap!  I happen to do this with my Bible study group every now and again, but any group of pals will do! We each cook five of the same meal, freeze it, then exchange! So, we get five unique frozen meals.  We try to keep the cost to around $8 per meal, and we have done it a few times successfully! I love trying new things - and it's even better when someone else has done the work for you :)  

Phew! There you have it... a week at a glance! I will try to keep more on top of blogging, but as you can see it's almost Wednesday and I have yet to post this week ;)  Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Words of Wisdom Wednesday

"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something."

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just a Thought Thursday: A Letter to Mom

I have been working through some really hard things lately.  I was trying so hard to figure out why I have been so cranky, impatient, on the brink of what felt like a nervous breakdown. Then I wondered if it was all this hurt, regret, and sorrow over my mom's death.  It's been 6 months, but it feels more like 6 years. I remembered I wrote her a letter and read it to her just a couple weeks before she died.  (You can read that here if you'd like).  I remember feeling so glad I did.  So, I figured it couldn't hurt to write her another one - even though she is gone.  So while waiting for Ben to fall asleep tonight I took a pen and put my thoughts to paper.  I have to say, it did make me feel better.  Maybe because I cried - hard - for a while, or maybe because a small part of me felt like she was reading it over my shoulder.  I'd like to share that letter with you now:


July 12, 2012


I miss you SO much!! It just doesn't seem fair that you are gone.  There are so many things I ache to share with you. Like Ben's crazy personality and amazing athleticism.  Or Gianna's ever changing smile - she has top teeth now! - and her hair.  Oh, that hair! You would just swoon over it!

I wish you could visit us in our new place - and I'd tell you about all the people we've met here.  I think you'd be surprised that I'm working at Lakeshore again because they opened one here in Indy.  I love it! I got to help put it together from the ground up.

I miss hearing your voice.  I hate that I can't call to talk to you, and that when I come home I can only see you in pictures.

I always thought that time helped to heal wounds so why is it getting harder each day since you left?

I'm sorry you suffered so much your last years (months) of life.  I'm sorry I didn't hold your hand more while you were sick at home and in the hospital.  I'm sorry I pretended like it was any other good-bye when I knew deep down it was the last time I'd see you alive.

I so badly want to hear your voice! I want to see you.  I want to know you are in Heaven.

I feel like I would be a better mom if you were still here.  My heart literally sinks and aches when I think of you - which is often.  You were so brave.

I hope you are with your mom now.  I know that if you missed her as much as I miss you that it must be an amazing relief to be with her again.  I know you love me and I know you were proud of me - I only wish you were here to remind me.

Love you.  Miss you.  Mean it.


So, as cliche as it sounds hug your kids a little tighter tonight, kiss your spouse a little longer, and call your parents to tell them you love them....

Just a thought.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: Seasons of Parenthood

I have been needing a lot of encouragement lately.  Between all the changes in the last year, Thad's heavy travel schedule, and days on end being a "single" mom have not only exhausted me but made me question whether or not I was doing what I was made to do.  I asked my husband, "Do you ever feel like you aren't good at your job?" Without hesitation he replied, "No."  I tried explaining to him that I feel like the tantrums, the crying, the fussiness, Ben's constant harassment of his little sister, coupled with his deliberate disobedience are constant reminders that I suck at my job - to raise kind, loving, happy, obedient children.  Okay okay, I know I might be a little hard on myself here - and I don't ALWAYS feel this way, but you know those days I'm talking about!  Anyway, my friend Jess Wehner e-mailed this article:

A couple of my current "Phases & Moments:"

Ben: The I'm-going-to-look-you-straight-in-the-eyes-and-do-exactly-what-you-told-me-not-to-do phase

Gianna: The I'm-cutting-a-million-teeth-right-now-and-there-is-nothing-you-can-do-to-make-me-happier-or-sleep-better phase

Some Moments:  listening to Ben sing along to songs in his own little language & seeing Gigi's "scrunchy nosed" smile

Please share with us a phase and a moment that you are currently experiencing in your parenting journey!!
(if you share on Facebook, I will re-post it in the comment section)

Happy Hump Day!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just a Thought Thursday...

When someone says they have a monkey on their back, they might mean they are struggling with a persistent, overwhelming and troubling burden or dilemma. 

Or they might just have a monkey on their back!  
Just a thought...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Toddler Tip Tuesday ::: Potty Training

Potty training. Two words that either bring defeat or triumph into a household.  Right now, I'd say we are somewhere in between.  Ben rarely has #1 accidents, but after three successful #2s on the toilet, he has since gone in his underwear.  Today's Toddler Tip is not going to refer you to a book or a website.  It's not going to tell you to dig through those old issues of Parents or Parenting Magazine.

Instead, I am opening the floor to YOU to offer ME (and my readers) your best potty training tips & advice!  Here are a couple I stand firm by:

1.  Don't Rush It! Let your kid take the lead to tell you he is ready.  We are pretty sure our kids won't be teenagers in diapers.

2.  Talk It Up.  Your kiddo should at least know what a toilet is and what its for BEFORE the whole process begins.

3.  Be Okay With Less Than Perfect.  Accidents WILL happen.  Just be prepared to tell the Target associate your child peed on the floor in the middle of the aisle.

Now please share your wisdom in the comment section!! 

The day Ben stops pooping his pants is the day I rejoice and do a potty dance myself.  Until then, I suffer with the rest of you potty training parentals.

Monday, July 2, 2012

"Me Either" Monday

Have you ever had your child give the tiles of a department store a golden shower and be so proud he points it out to every passerby? (at least they didn't step in it then....)

Or have you ever gone to two different banks, and let your child have a lollipop from each one? Yep, that's two suckers within five minutes...

Or have you ever gone to that place hidden deep down in your soul that allows you to understand why they have a show called "Snapped" and think the next episode might feature YOU?...

Yea.... me either.

Please share something that has "never" happened to you in the comments below!!