Monday, February 27, 2012

Not Me Monday

I did NOT wait 3 weeks to take my coughing kids to the doctor, only to spend $40 in co-pays to be told it is "just a virus"

I did NOT take 4 days to do 4 loads of laundry
(in my defense, the machines are right outside Ben's door and they are so loud! I hate planning laundry around nap/bed times! grrrr!)

I did NOT cut onesies off my daughter because I didn't want to get poop in her hair
(too many explosive diapers this week, I tell ya!!)

and finally, I did NOT almost cry in the middle of the department store when I saw a kid's shirt that read "Grandma's little cutie"

What is something you did NOT do this week??


  1. I have definitely not cut off a onesie because I didn't want to get poop in the hair.

  2. I'm telling ya, you pull it over her head and it gets EVERYWHERE! Yuck!
