Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: Just Do It!!

Today's post is plain and simple. Just Do It!

As I think of my mom and how fast those 17 months flew from her diagnosis to her death, I wish I had just one more day with her. One more conversation. One more hug...

I'm talking about being intentional. We all have these thoughts: "I should call _____ and see how they are doing" or "I should send ______ a card to let them know I am thinking of them" or "I haven't e-mailed _______ lately, I should do that..."

You get the picture.

Put those thoughts into action and Just Do It!

You might be amazed at how such a seemingly small gesture can have an astounding impact. You never know if that is the phone call, card, or e-mail that a certain someone needed to make it through that day.

If you care about someone, go that extra step to let them know that you do. You never know what tomorrow may bring, so avoid the woulda-shoulda-couldas.
You won't regret it, and the recipient will be so thankful you did.

Happy Hump Day!

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