Sunday, March 11, 2012

Not Me Monday

I did NOT almost set the store on fire using the shrink wrap machine… no seriously, FLAMES were shooting out of it & the smoke detector went off!


I did NOT feed Ben fruit all weekend because that’s the only thing he would eat! (he wasn't feeling well) L


I did NOT sing a lullaby for 45 minutes in the car to keep Ben from crying

(Yes, it worked!)


And finally, I was NOT a teensy bit excited to actually go to work today so I can have a break from my kids… and get paid to do it!


::: Don’t be shy!!! ::::

Tell us something you did NOT do this past week!

("K"… I look forward to your loyal comments every week) J


  1. I did not wait to clean up baby poop that had dripped all over my family room so that I could watch Ellen and rest on the couch for an hour :)

  2. I did not secretely do a little dance as I left my dear son who had not pooped in 36 hours at my parents house for the night. I'm sorry but I change enough of "those" diapers all day long!

  3. I did not giggle when I found out Snooky was pregnant. Then say...good luck!!

    I did not plug Ryan's nose, while he was sleeping, because his loud snores were keeping me up.

    I did not take a two hour nap with Berkley and not feel guilty about about my unorganized house.

    I did not freak out about taking Berkley her to doctor's appointment today...2 month shots:(
